Github pr to fix broken links
Github pr to fix broken links

github pr to fix broken links

Search for issues and pull requests to add to your project board using search qualifiers. Navigate to the project board where you want to add issues and pull requests. For more information, see " Linking a repository to a project board." Adding issues and pull requests to a project board

You can remove these qualifiers to search within all organization repositories. Like many F/OSS developers, I’m a heavy user of GitHub, collaborating on many projects which use the typical fork & pull workflow based on pull requests.The GitHub documentation on pull requests covers this workflow fairly comprehensively, but there seems to be one area which is significantly lacking in detail: why and how to amend existing pull requests. When you search for issues and pull requests to add to your project board, the search automatically scopes to your linked repositories. Linking repositories makes it easier to add issues and pull requests from those repositories to your project board using Add cards or from the issue or pull requests sidebar. The -u flag links this branch with the remote one, so that in the future, you can simply type git push origin. This will create the branch on your GitHub project.

github pr to fix broken links

To push a new branch: git push -u origin hotfix/readme-update. You can link up to twenty-five repositories to your organization or user-owned project board. To create a PR you need to push your branch to the origin remote and then press some buttons on GitHub. The results can also be sorted and filtered in various ways as well. Link Check provides easy access to the information you need to locate and fix the links on your website. From a high-level report summarizing the results all the way down to the exact locations of the found links in the code, Dr. You can view and make lightweight edits to issues and pull requests within your project board by clicking on the issue or pull request's title. Comprehensive report and analysis capabilities. Before submitting This PR fixes a typo or improves the docs (you can dismiss the other checks if that's the case). You may need to configure the githubPullRequests.remotes setting, by default the extension will look for PRs for origin and upstream. Use the button on the viewlet to sign in to GitHub. A new viewlet will appear on the activity bar which shows a list of pull requests and issues.

github pr to fix broken links

For more information, see " Adding notes to a project board." What does this PR do Fixes broken links to DistilGPT2, DistilRoberta, and DistilmBERT on the homepage of documentation. Open your desired GitHub repository in VS Code. Note: You can also add notes to your project board to serve as task reminders, references to issues and pull requests from any repository on GitHub, or to add related information to your project board.

Github pr to fix broken links